Hey there! Sorry that my page doesn't have very much on it. Here's some of the stuff I'm working on!
An RPG taking place in my own unique storyline. I've restarted production about two times now, and I'm currently using other projects to learn how to do everything I need for Forgotten Stain.
I'm making a remake of Hypo Umbrella, though I've (as of time of writing) been struggling with implementing text boxes. Hopefully it'll be in a demo state by the end of 2025, but that's not backed by anything at all.
A simple game about catching slimes. Currently in very, very early demo state, but I absolutely think I could have a public demo out by September 2025. If I don't, then I either got distracted or something very big happened.
If you're interested in helping me with any of my projects, please send me an email at:
I'm currently needing sprite artists, musicians, and SFX designers. (also, if you know a good bit about GM2, I would love advice on it ;-;)